Esch Road Beach Sunset

       An absolutely perfect sunset at Esch Road Beach finished a perfect day touring the Sleeping Bear Dunes NLS with my Fiance Robin. The cloud cover stayed throughout the entire evening, which tents to elude even the diligent visitor. 

       I didn't think I would need to use my fishing waders this evening, so I left them in the car. As my luck would have it, I did need them to frame a composition I couldn't resist of the Esch Road Beach bluff that was opposite of the sunset. I decided to take the trip into the freezing cold waters of Lake Michigan during fall and capture the photograph I had burning in my minds eye, despite the protest of my poor feet. All in all, the decision was well worth the effort and I came home with a view that was awe inspiring. I hope everyone enjoys.

Canon 6D, Nikon 14-24 F/2.8G ED (@ 16mm), Novoflex adapter, ISO 100, F/16, blend of two images one at 1/10th of a second for shadow detail, another at 1/40th of a second for highlight detail.

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